To Do And See

Beauty needs to be seen to be believed


West Coast Wilderness Railway

The West Coast Wilderness Railway forms a gateway for visitors to explore Tasmania’s unique rail heritage, discovering the inspiring story of the pioneers who built the railway more than 100 years ago.


Sand Boarding at Henty Sand Dunes

Head to the Henty Dunes for a day of fun and thrills for the whole family.Take some old bodyboards or cardboard boxes and surf your way down the dunes.


Strahan Seaplane And Helicopters

Depart Strahan village by Seaplane for a scenic flight to the Franklin & Gordon Rivers

the hydro electric dam at strathgordon in the south west of tasmania, australia

Gordon River

Paddle up the Gordon River in a kayak or fly by plane or helicopter and lose yourself in the beautiful scenery.

Locality Around Us

There are several including Mollys with great takeaways and bottle shop just around the corner – open all year. Banjos Bakery – open all year 6am – 6pm. Hamers Pub and Regatta Point Tavern are family friendly, and open year round. Federal Hotel has a great Tapas Bar with views to die for open from 4pm. Don’t forget a great meal on the way to Strahan at the Hungry Wombat at Derwent Bridge.

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Things to Do in Strahan